If you have been experiencing challenges with the single life, moving forward from trauma or discovering yourself outside of your roles, this is exactly what you need in order to effectively navigate through your healing journey and discover the whole you.
You will be provided with the knowledge, tools and support to be confident and content with this season of your life and beyond.
We're getting rid of the following mindset:
"My self-worth is reliant upon my relationship status."
"I am triggered by other’s success in love"
"I feel lost and defeated by my past."
You will find happiness and finally feel whole.
The fact that you are here means that you are already doing great. You are seeking the guidance, support and the community we all deserve to have on our journey.
I know what you’re thinking…
Who actually wants to be content with being single?
Isn’t everyone’s goal to have a successful relationship or get married?
Is the purpose of this course to give up on love and just be okay with being single for the rest of my life?
Absolutely not! This course is actually the exact opposite of that thinking.
Our pasts, our traumas, our experiences should NEVER cause us to give up on love ESPECIALLY the love we have for ourselves. It is my wish for us all to have HEALTHY, LOVING and DESIRABLE relationships. In order for us to get there and stop making poor decisions in our love life, we must first get through the issues that are holding us back from being the best versions of ourselves.
This season (your single time) is the PERFECT time to do the work on yourself that you’ve been putting off. You may have already started on your healing journey but have stumbled or gotten discouraged because you weren’t properly supported or lacked the needed guidance.
Over the next six weeks, you won’t have to worry about being alone on your journey.
The guidance and support you need is here.

The Six Week Program Highlights: Let's go on a journey...
Module One: Itinerary/Road Map
In this introductory week, we will get to know each other and the overview of the program. We will uncover where are you now versus where you want to be?
- Introductions
- Self-reflection auditing
- Goal setting
Module Two: Explore
Before we get into healing techniques, we have to dig deep into the reasons we need to heal. Who hurt you? After this week, you may discover that some of your pain has been coming from you.
- Exploring past childhood/relationship trauma
- Understanding the differences between healthy and unhealthy connections
- Self-accountability
Module Three: Clearing
This week is all about forgiveness and letting go of what no longer serves us. We will be releasing addictions, bad habits and pain.
- The process and benefits of forgiveness
- Addictions and bad habits
- Releasing
Module Four: Alternate Route
Now is the time to shift the mindset and the routines that are preventing you from reaching your full potential. You will learn how to effectively set healthy boundaries, implement self-care and put yourself first, unapologetically.
- Routine and time management
- Self-Love practices
- Effective boundary setting
Module Five: Discovery
Now that you have peeled back some layers of what you’ve been through, released what no longer serves you and taken action to better yourself, you are prepared for this week. You should feel grounded enough to do some more digging into who you are. We are time traveling back into the past. Not to acknowledge who hurt you but to heal that wounded child who has been neglected for so long. It is important to be in a good headspace during this week. You will be ready by the time we arrive.
- Inner child healing
- Self-discovery
- Shadow work
Module Six: Directions to Ideal Destination
We’ve addressed the past and the present…now it’s time to set some intentions for the future. All of this work you’ve done is to get you together for you. The focus is you but isn’t it great that you can show up as the best version of yourself when it comes to interacting with others as well? We will explore manifesting the love life you desire, discuss and identify healthy and unhealthy relationships and truly set ourselves up for success and happiness in life and love.
- Confidence building
- Clarity of intentions
- Transmute sexual energy
You will receive:
- The information and tools needed to navigate through your healing journey
- Support and guidance with your journey
- A greater sense of self
- Clarity
- Boost in confidence
- Guided support through addressing past trauma, healing, forgiveness, shifting mindset, implementing self-care, setting boundaries, identifying needs and desires and manifesting desired love life.
- Daily affirmations
- Daily mindfulness activities
- Weekly healing exercises
- Book recommendations
- Printable checklists, worksheets and infographics
- Private Facebook group access for support, community and updates
- Self-Love/Self-Discovery Guided Journal
- 3 month access to private group
- Masterclass to help you understand your natal chart and life path number.
This six week program will bring forth the changes in your life that will help you to reach your highest potential. You deserve to feel whole and have confidence in yourself, your abilities and your decisions. When you heal yourself, you uncover the authentic you who has been waiting to shine. Whether your goal is to be married or you have decided to do you for a while, the time for healing and self-discovery is now. The path of self-love, self-discovery and healing has its ups and downs but fortunately, you don’t have to feel alone in the process.

If you do not feel supported or you discover that the program is not benefitting you, you may request a refund within the first 14 days.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this program only for people who don't want to be in a relationship?
Can I go through this program if I am currently in a relationship?
Is this workshop only for women?
Can you remind me of what I will be getting if I enroll today?

You may still be thinking to yourself whether or not you can truly benefit from this program. Everything happens for a divine reason so something about this process has resonated with you.
- Your inner child may be feeling neglected or wounded.
- You may be sick and tired of being sick and tired in toxic, dead end relationships.
- You have made the decision to put your broken pieces back together to become whole again.
You know that you are worthy and deserving of love and happiness. You want to set the standard on how you should be treated. You do everything else alone but you see how support and community can be beneficial to this part of your journey.
If you’ve been looking for a sign to stop procrastinating and show up for yourself…this is your sign.
Putting off the work doesn’t make it go away. Your journey has been so difficult because you are going about it while carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You are dragging tons of baggage along with you from one relationship to another and adding more to it as you go.
Let’s begin to lighten your load by unpacking your baggage so you can navigate through your healing journey with ease and discover the whole you…one single step at a time.